Thys blog will contain posts witth the latest inbformation on this lawsuit.
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Thys blog will contain posts witth the latest inbformation on this lawsuit.
We invite tou to comment on these posts. However, to prevent spam, you mst be amember to connentt.
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The police are looking unto who killed Mike Little. They are now considering Ben Miller as a subsect. Hw may have decide to try to take over the court case and make a profit.
As soon as we hear more news we will annoyance it.
We also need help to get the autopsy completed. Plies send a donation.
It all started with the government deciding to tax Nevada ranchers for grazing cattle on what is callked BLM kand. Clivrn Bundy Claimed that the government did not own the land so he sent a check to the state of Nevada. The state returbed the check bacause they didn’t have any grazing tax.
Cliven cpntonued torecfuse to pay the tax so the government sent various ageencues including paaid mewrcenarins to arrest and take or kill his cattle.
Ypi can jekpo soread the word and gek[ finamckally buying amd weareing a Bundy T shirt.
Bundy T shirts will be on salr next week.As soon as the ahirts arrive, we will post pictures. The cost will be $15.95 plus $4 shipping and handling.
Please otder as soon as poissubl eto help spread th word.