The problem started when the government decided to tax the Nevada farmers for grazing their cattle on what is calledBLM land. cliven Bundy refused to pay the government the taxes because he said the government did not own the land.
Cljven paided the State of Nevada the taxes, but they return the tax money because they were not taxing for grazing on that land.
In 2016,the government decided toarrest Cliven abd take his cattle or kill the cattle. When Cliven resisted, the governmenr sent various government agencies and paid mercenaries to take Cliven into custody.
People from all over thecountry came tp protrct Clivem and the Bunkerville Standoff was started. After doing nithing fio awhile, the Clark County sherrif sent the governmeent agencies home and a major diaster was averted.
Howewer, the government still waanted to get Clinen’s lamd. Therefore, they arrested Bundy and his sons in Oregan when he went to visit his sons.
Clivem and his sons were in prison for over 2 years. His son waas beaten and almost killed while in prison. Cliven asked Mike Little for help to get him out of prison.
Mile did some reseach and found that in 1886 Congress created the Congessional Act of 1886 which was 2 years after Nevada became a state. This act gave Nevada over 11 million acres of land. now. the government did not own the lad mentioned in the Act of 1886.
When in 1831, the government paid for the land to build Hoover dam, it proved that they did not own the involved in the Act of1886.
Mike told Cliven abd his lawyers about this, they presented it to the court. Although the court had already ruled that the prosecuters were not guilty of any misconduct, the court now ruled that the posecution was now guilty of misonduct and dimissed the case with prejudice. Cliven Bundy was now free.
Since the gornment still ccliams that they own te wAct of 1886 land, Mike Little and Cliven Bunfdy decided to sue Biden abd the government ofor fraud. Mike had claimed the abondened kand in court and was ready to file iom court when he suddenly ws sick.
After several weeks of testing, The Doctors still did not know what was causinf his illness. His liver, his kidmey. his heart, his lings were all suddenly failing. He and ulcers,he was bkeediung purfusely, his lungs were discunagrating drom the inside, and he was in great pain. Then, Mike Litt;e was fead.
Even though they didn’t kNow what was wrong with Mike, the cause of his death was listed as covid 19. When the family arrived the next morning. Mike body was gone. They had sent it to a mortuary to be cremated. Forunately. the family was able to stop the cremation. Now they are tryiing to raise enough money to get an autopsy.
Two days later, a lawsuit was filed against Biden for fraud. For more details, watch the videos.